Early Iron Festival Guidelines
Please help everyone have a safe and enjoyable Early Iron weekend by following these simple guidelines for the show:
Registration is open ONLY to 1985 and earlier.
All throughout the weekend we have several different giveaways and awards. You MUST be present to win.
For spectator safety, there is no driving around within the show lots. Once you enter the show, our Event Staff will direct you to a parking spot. Please park and remain parked during the show hours (10am to 4pm), unless otherwise asked to do so by event staff. You may leave the show at the end of the day.
If you want to park together, you must arrive together.
Please keep your speed below 5mph in all show areas and be very aware of pedestrians around you.
For everyone's safety and comfort, all dogs or other pets must be on a lease at all times. Please don’t bring your dog to the Friday Night Party.
Failure to comply with these guidelines or instructions given by Event Staff may result in your ejection from the event.
The Early Iron Festival goes on rain or shine, there are no refunds.
we really hate no but…
We do have a few:
No RV or trailer parking in Cole Park. Vehicles must be driven into the show.
No firearms or weapons of any kind are allowed on site.
No outside beer or alcohol is allowed inside the gates of the show. Craft and local beers will be available for purchase on site.
No outside food or beverages allowed, except for factory-sealed water bottles.
No BBQ pits or open fires are allowed in Cole Park.
No speeding or burn-outs.
No golf carts, mini-bikes or other motorized vehicles allowed in show area. Personal mobility scooters or wheelchairs are allowed for those who require them.
No personal car boundary ropes or fences allowed.