Online registration open

How To Register Your Ride

We have plenty of room! Register in person at the show. Come join us!

Registration is $35 for each vehicle and includes a windshield tag for your car, along with 2 tickets to our Friday night party, a dash plaque, hat pin and some other goodies. We have tickets available (sold separately) for our awards banquet following the Show ‘n Shine on Saturday. This is where we give away our Rodders Choice*, Ladies Choice*, & Iron Rod Awards, along with a rebuilt transmission and engine! You must be present to win.

*Rodders & Ladies Choice are chosen by you-our participants. The outcome is not determined by the Early Iron Club or it’s volunteers.

Registration eligibility:

Registration is open ONLY to 1985 and earlier. Please make sure you fit these requirements, or your registration will be rejected - no exceptions.

We reserve the right to refuse entry to any vehicle that we feel does not fit the direction of cars we want to feature at the show.

Pre-registration Deadline

The deadline to pre-register for the show is Wednesday, August 27, 2025 at 5:00 pm. After that date you will have to register in person at the gate at the show.